Letter From Co-Founders-SportsPoy.com



Letter From Co-Founders

International Sports Voting

Thank you for considering an investment in SportsPoy. We couldn’t be more excited about this opportunity and are thrilled that you are considering joining us. Before you get into the Offering Memorandum, there are a couple things we want to mention.

SportsPoy is not a conventional company. We don’t intend to become one.

Most of this Offering Memorandum describes SportsPoy in conventional business terms. In fact, the whole purpose of this document is to provide a convention for you to evaluate our company and make an informed investment decision. But there are elements of SportsPoy that defy convention and we want to take a moment to explain them in our own words.

Risk vs. Reward

Before you invest, it’s important to understand that SportPoy is a relatively early-stage company. In fact, thanks to the JOBS Act, you now have the opportunity to invest earlier than has ever been possible — at a stage traditionally reserved for angel investors and venture capitalists.

If you want to get in early, you need to understand the risks. Our stock is not currently listed on any secondary exchange, which means it must be viewed as a long-term investment that could take years or even decades (if ever) to provide a return. As a startup, we are not focused on near-term revenue or profit, but instead on building what we believe will be long-term competitive advantages for the company. When you invest in a startup you aren’t investing in what the company is today—you are investing in the potential for what the company could become in the future. It’s an inherently risky proposition because, the fact is, most startups fail.

But startups that succeed can change the world. Every great disruption starts with entrepreneurs and investors that have the courage to defy the odds and try something no one else has done before. We founded SportsPoy because we believe the JOBS Act created a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to build a new type of company with potential to reshape the future of entertainment.

One Million Fans

SportsPoy is, to our knowledge, the first company built from the ground up to be owned by fans. We’re building it that way because we believe a media company owned by a large audience of fans has fundamental competitive advantages over those owned by Wall Street investors.

Representing our long-term goal of uniting one million fans as shareholders of the company. It’s an ambitious goal, but we believe that if we can achieve it SportsPoy could become one of the most influential companies in the Sports industry.

Redefining ROI

Most companies view investors simply as a source of capital. For SportsPoy, they are the foundation of our business. We are a community as well as a corporation, and our job as a management team is to create value for this community. While “shareholder value” is often measured solely by dollars and cents, we strives to create both Financial and Emotional returns for our shareholders:

Financial ROI

SportsPoy primary goal is to run a responsible business that provides a long-term financial return for our investors. Financial success is the key to the long-term viability and success of our company.

Emotional ROI

While financial success is the primary goal for SportsPoy, many of our shareholders invest because they want to be a part of something they love. We strive to cultivate a vibrant community for our shareholders, and seek ways to “open the gates of sports voting” and unite fans to make a difference in the entertainment industry.


The wonderful thing about a fan-owned company is that financial and emotional ROI are not necessarily mutually exclusive. We believe spending time and resources to engage our shareholders isn’t just good fun—it’s also good business. The more engaged and excited our shareholders are, the more potential buzz and value they can create for our projects. This increases our projects’ chances of success, which benefits the company and all its shareholders.

Let’s Put an M-shaped Dent in the Universe!

What we’re doing has never been done, but we’ve beaten the odds and believe we can do it again. While we can’t guarantee success (nobody can promise that), we’re doing everything in our power to make this the best investment you’ve ever made. We’re risking not just our own money, but also our reputations and careers that we can make this company a success.

So THANK YOU again for considering our company. Please review the information in this Offering Memorandum. If you like what you see and want to take a swing for the fences with us, we’d be honored to have you join our team. If you don’t, that’s fine too.

Onward and Upward,

Gary Reasons and Rocky Stephens

Cofounders, SportsPoy.com