Poolwear Of Year-SportsPoy.com



Poolwear Of Year

 Women & Men POY
    Enter today for the 2024 SportsPoy.com  - Poolwear Of Year
  Diamone - Panama City, Florida
 Rocky - Knoxville, Tennessee * illustartion only. Not official submission.

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May 28, 2024 SportsPoy.com announced the official launch of it's "Poolwear Of Year" contest. SportsPoy.com only in it's 2nd year was started by former NFL Giants linebacker Gary Reasons and Pinnekel Media CEO, Rocky Stephens. SportsPoy.com is an international sports voting site that allows fans to vote for their Player Of Year or POY in every sports in any country. "With our inagurial "Poolwear Of Year" contest, SportsPoy.com now allows people to vote for Sports; Player Of Year, Pavilion Of Year, and Patron Of Year" stated Rocky Stephens.

Submit your photo's of you wearing your favorite Poolwear. Must be at least 21 years of age. Both Men and Women contest. Submit your photo's today to sharon@CuriousDawg.com
We only post photo's with your written permission. You can submit your photo's, request no posting and still be considered as a finalist. All photo's submitted become the property of SportsPoy.com and will not be returned.